A renderer for HTML_QuickForm

package midcom.helper.datamanager2


__construct ($namespace)




clearAllTemplates ()

Clears all the HTML out of the templates that surround notes, elements, etc.

Useful when you want to use addData() to create a completely custom form look

finishForm (\HTML_QuickForm $form)

Called when visiting a form, after processing all form elements Adds required note, form attributes, validation javascript and form content.



\HTML_QuickForm&$form The object being visited

finishGroup (\HTML_QuickForm_group $group)

Called when visiting a group, after processing all group elements



\HTML_QuickForm_group&$group The object being visited

renderElement (\HTML_QuickForm_element $element, boolean $required, string $error)

Renders an element as HTML



\HTML_QuickForm_element&$element The object being visited


booleanWhether an element is required


stringAn error message associated with an element

renderHeader (\HTML_QuickForm_header $header)

Called when visiting a header element



\HTML_QuickForm_header&$header The element being visited

renderHidden (\HTML_QuickForm_hidden $element)

Renders a hidden element



\HTML_QuickForm_hidden&$element The object being visited

renderHtml (\HTML_QuickForm_html $data)

Called when visiting a raw HTML/text pseudo-element



\HTML_QuickForm_html&$data The element being visited

setElementTemplate (string $html, string $element)

Sets element template



stringThe HTML surrounding an element


stringThe (optional) name of the element to apply template for

setFormTemplate (string $html)

Sets form template



stringThe HTML surrounding the form tags

setGroupElementTemplate (string $html, string $group)

Sets element template for elements within a group



stringThe HTML surrounding an element


stringThe name of the group to apply template for

setGroupTemplate (string $html, string $group)

Sets template for a group wrapper

This template is contained within a group-as-element template set via setTemplate() and contains group's element templates, set via setGroupElementTemplate()



stringThe HTML surrounding group elements


stringThe name of the group to apply template for

setHeaderTemplate (string $html)

Sets header template



stringThe HTML surrounding the header

setRequiredNoteTemplate (string $html)

Sets the note indicating required fields template



stringThe HTML surrounding the required note

startForm (\HTML_QuickForm $form)

Called when visiting a form, before processing any form elements



\HTML_QuickForm&$form The object being visited

startGroup (\HTML_QuickForm_group $group, boolean $required, string $error)

Called when visiting a group, before processing any group elements



\HTML_QuickForm_group&$group The object being visited


booleanWhether a group is required


stringAn error message associated with a group

toHtml ()

returns the HTML generated for the form



_extract_helptext ($element)



_prepare_template (string $name, \HTML_Quickform_element $element, boolean $required, string $error, string $type)

Helper method for renderElement
see \renderElement()



stringElement name


\HTML_Quickform_elementThe element we're working on


booleanWhether an element is required


stringError message associated with the element


stringElement type


stringHTML for the element

_process_placeholder ($html, $identifier, $value)





_set_group_templates (string $name)

Called by start/finishGroup() to set the current template elements



stringThe group to set the templates to.



string $_current_group_name

The current group running

array $_current_group_templates

All group templates for running groups (i.e.

prepared and ready).


array $_current_groups

The stack of groups

string $_default_group_template

Group template string

string $_element_template

Element template string

string $_form_template

Form template string

string $_group_element_template

Template for an element inside a group

array $_group_element_templates

Array containing the templates for elements in groups.

array $_group_elements

Array with HTML generated for group elements

mixed $_group_template


string $_group_wrap

HTML that wraps around the group elements

array $_group_wraps

Array containing the templates for group wraps.

These templates are wrapped around group elements and the group's own templates wrap around them. This is set by setGroupTemplate().


string $_header_template

Header Template string

string $_hidden_html

Collected HTML of the hidden fields

string $_html

The HTML of the form

boolean $_in_group

True if we are inside a group

string $_required_note_template

Required Note template string

array $_templates

Array containing the templates for customised elements