Datamanager 2 parameters type.

This allows the editing of all parameters of the storage object.

Configuration options: headers Array with headernames in the same order as the row columns.

package midcom.helper.datamanager2


convert_from_csv ($source)

CSV conversion works from the storage representation, converting the arrays into simple text lists.



convert_from_storage ($source)

Converts storage format to live format, all invalid keys are dropped, and basic validation is done to ensure constraints like allow_multiple are met.



convert_to_csv ()

CSV conversion works from the storage representation, converting the arrays into simple text lists.

convert_to_html ()

convert_to_raw ()

convert_to_storage ()


ArrayThe storage information.



boolean $csv_export_key

Set this to true if you want the keys to be exported to the csv dump instead of the values.

Note, that this does not affect import, which is only available with keys, not values. NB: This option is not supported at the moment.


array $headers

Headers for the rows

mixed $rows

A list of rows for the table