$_backend : \midcom_helper_nav_backend
The backend instance in use.
Main Navigation interface class.
Basically, this class proxies all requests to a midcom_helper_nav_backend class. See the interface definition of it for further details.
Additionally this class implements a couple of helper functions to make common NAP tasks easier.
Important note: Whenever you add new code to this class, or extend it through inheritance, never call the proxy-functions of the backend directly, this is strictly forbidden.
$_backend : \midcom_helper_nav_backend
The backend instance in use.
get_current_leaf() : integer
Retrieve the ID of the currently displayed leaf. This is a leaf that is displayed by the handling topic. If no leaf is active, this function returns false. (Remember to make a type sensitive check, e.g.
nav::get_current_leaf() !== false to distinguish '0' and 'false'.)
The ID of the leaf in question or false on failure.
get_root_node() : integer
Retrieve the ID of the root node. Note that this ID is dependent from the ID of the MidCOM Root topic and therefore will change as easily as the root topic ID might. The MIDCOM_NAV_URL entry of the root node's data will always be empty.
The ID of the root node.
list_nodes(integer $parent_node, boolean $show_noentry = false) : Array
Lists all Sub-nodes of $parent_node. If there are no subnodes you will get an empty array, if there was an error (for instance an unknown parent node ID) you will get false.
integer | $parent_node | The id of the node of which the subnodes are searched. |
boolean | $show_noentry | Show all objects on-site which have the noentry flag set. This defaults to false. |
An Array of Node IDs or false on failure.
list_leaves(integer $parent_node, boolean $show_noentry = false) : Array
Lists all leaves of $parent_node. If there are no leaves you will get an empty array, if there was an error (for instance an unknown parent node ID) you will get false.
integer | $parent_node | The ID of the node of which the leaves are searched. |
boolean | $show_noentry | Show all objects on-site which have the noentry flag set. This defaults to false. |
A list of leaves found, or false on failure.
get_node(integer $node_id) : Array
This will give you a key-value pair describing the node with the ID $node_id. The defined keys are described above in Node data interchange format. You will get false if the node ID is invalid.
integer | $node_id | The node ID to be retrieved. |
The node data as outlined in the class introduction, false on failure
get_leaf(string $leaf_id) : Array
This will give you a key-value pair describing the leaf with the ID $node_id. The defined keys are described above in leaf data interchange format. You will get false if the leaf ID is invalid.
string | $leaf_id | The leaf-id to be retrieved. |
The leaf-data as outlined in the class introduction, false on failure
get_node_uplink(integer $node_id) : integer
Returns the ID of the node to which $node_id is associated to, false on failure. The root node's uplink is -1.
integer | $node_id | The Leaf-ID to search an uplink for. |
The ID of the Node for which we have a match, -1 for the root node, or false on failure.
is_node_in_tree(integer $node_id, integer $root_id) : boolean
Checks if the given node is within the tree of another node.
integer | $node_id | The node in question. |
integer | $root_id | The root node to use. |
True, if the node is a subnode of the root node, false otherwise.
list_child_elements(integer $parent_node_id) : Array
List all child elements, nodes and leaves alike, of the node with ID $parent_node_id. For every child element, an array of ID and type (node/leaf) is given as
If there are no child elements at all the method will return an empty array, in case of an error false. NOTE: This method should be quite slow, there's room for improvement... :-)
integer | $parent_node_id | The ID of the parent node. |
A list of found elements, or false on failure.
resolve_guid(string $guid, boolean $node_is_sufficient = false) : mixed
Try to resolve a guid into a NAP object.
The code is optimized trying to avoid a full-scan if possible. To do this it will treat topic and article guids specially: In both cases the system will translate it using the topic id into a node id and scan only that part of the tree non-recursively.
A full scan of the NAP data is only done if another MidgardObject is used.
Note: If you want to resolve a GUID you got from a Permalink, use the Permalinks service within MidCOM, as it covers more objects than the NAP listings.
string | $guid | The GUID of the object to be looked up. |
boolean | $node_is_sufficient | if we could return a good guess of correct parent node but said node does not list the $guid in leaves return the node or try to do a full (and very expensive) NAP scan ? |
Either a node or leaf structure, distinguishable by MIDCOM_NAV_TYPE, or false on failure.
get_breadcrumb_line(string $separator = ' > ', string $class = null, integer $skip_levels, string $current_class = null, array $skip_guids = array()) : string
Construct a breadcrumb line.
Gives you a line like 'Start > Topic1 > Topic2 > Article' using NAP to traverse upwards till the root node. $separator is inserted between the pairs, $class, if non-null, will be used as CSS-class for the A-Tags.
The parameter skip_levels indicates how much nodes should be skipped at the beginning of the current path. Default is to show the complete path. A value of 1 will skip the home link, 2 will skip the home link and the first subtopic and so on. If a leaf or node is selected, that normally would be hidden, only its name will be shown.
string | $separator | The separator to use between the elements. |
string | $class | If not-null, it will be assigned to all A tags. |
integer | $skip_levels | The number of topic levels to skip before starting to work (use this to skip 'Home' links etc.). |
string | $current_class | The class that should be assigned to the currently active element. |
array | $skip_guids | Array of guids that are skipped. |
The computed breadcrumb line.
get_breadcrumb_data( $id = null) : array
Construct source data for a breadcrumb line.
Gives you the data needed to construct a line like 'Start > Topic1 > Topic2 > Article' using NAP to traverse upwards till the root node. The components custom breadcrumb data is inserted at the end of the computed breadcrumb line after any set NAP leaf.
See get_breadcrumb_line for a more end-user oriented way of life.
Return Value
The breadcrumb data will be returned as a list of associative arrays each containing these keys:
The entry of every level is indexed by its MIDCOM_NAV_ID, where custom keys preserve their original key (as passed by the component) and prefixing it with 'custom-'. This allows you to easily check if a given node/leave is within the current breadcrumb-line by checking with array_key_exists.
Adding custom data
Custom elements are added to this array by using the MidCOM custom component context at this time. You need to add a list with the same structure as above into the custom component context key midcom.helper.nav.breadcrumb. (This needs to be an array always, even if you return only one element.)
Note, that the URL you pass in that list is always prepended with the current anchor prefix. It is not possible to specify absolute URLs there. No leading slash is required.
$tmp = [
MIDCOM_NAV_URL => "list/{$this->_category}/{$this->_mode}/1/",
MIDCOM_NAV_NAME => $this->_category_name,
midcom_core_context::get()->set_custom_key('midcom.helper.nav.breadcrumb', $tmp);
$id |
The computed breadcrumb data as outlined above.
get_node_path( $node_id = null) : Array
Retrieve the IDs of the nodes from the URL. First value at key 0 is the root node ID, possible second value is the first subnode ID etc.
Contains only visible nodes (nodes which can be loaded).
$node_id |
The node path array.
_get_backend() : \midcom_helper_nav_backend
This function maintains one NAP Class per context. Usually this is enough, since you mostly will access it in context 0, the default. The problem is, that this is not 100% efficient: If you instantiate two different NAP Classes in different contexts both referring to the same root node, you will get two different instances.
The backend instance in the cache.