$uimessage_holder : String
DOM path of the UI message holder object
User interface messaging service
This service is used for passing messages from applications to the MidCOM user.
Displaying UI messages on site:
If you want the UI messages to be shown in your site, you must place the following call inside the HTML BODY tags of your style:
Adding UI messages to show:
Any MidCOM component can add its own UI messages to be displayed. The messages also carry across a relocate() call so you can tell a document has been saved before relocating user into its view.
UI messages can be specified into the following types: info, ok, warning and error.
To add a UI message, call the following:
midcom::get()->uimessages->add($title, $message, $type);
For example:
midcom::get()->uimessages->add($this->_l10n->get('net.nemein.wiki'), sprintf($this->_l10n->get('page "%s" added'), $this->_wikiword), 'ok');