$_topic : \midcom_db_topic
The topic for which we are handling a request.
n.n.static site interface class
It provides an automatic mechanism for URL processing and validation, minimizing the required work to get a new component running.
Request switch configuration
The class uses an array which aids in URL-to-function mapping. Handlers are distinguished by the "URL-space" they handle. For each handler three functions are needed, one for the request handle decision ("Can Handle Phase"), one for the request handling ("Handle Phase") and one for output ("Output Phase"). These handlers refer to another class which gets instantiated if necessary.
All request handlers are contained in a single array, whose keys identify the various switch configurations. These identifiers are only for informational purposes (they appear in the debug log), so you could just resort to automatic array index numbering using the [] operator.
Each request handler definition in the switch must contain these key/value pairs:
mixed fixed_args: This is either a string or an array and defines the fixed arguments that have to be present at the beginning of the URL to be handled. A string denotes a single argument, an array is used if more than one fixed argument is needed. If you do not have any fixed arguments, set this parameter to null, which is the default.
int variable_args: Usually, there are a number of variables in the URL, like article IDs, or article names. This can be 0, indicating that no variable arguments are required, which is the default. For an unlimited number of variable_args set it to -1.
mixed handler: This is a definition of what method should be invoked to handle the request using the callable array syntax. The first array member must contain the name of an existing class. This value has no default and must be set. The actual methods called will have either an handler or show prefix.
$this->_request_switch[] = [
'fixed_args' => ['registrations', 'view'],
'variable_args' => 1,
'handler' => ['net_nemein_registrations_regadmin', 'view']
This definition is usually located in either in the routes.inc file (preferred) or the _on_initialize event handler.
The handlers are processed in the order which they have been added to the array. This has several implications:
First, if you have two handlers with similar signatures, the latter might be hidden by the former, for example the handler 'view' with two variable arguments includes the urls that could match 'view', 'registration' with a single variable argument if processed in this order. In these cases you have to add the most specific handlers first.
Second, for performance reasons, you should try to add the handler which will be accessed most of the time first (unless it conflicts with the first rule above), as this will speed up average request processing.
It is recommended that you add string-based identifiers to your handlers. This makes
debugging of URL parsing much easier, as MidCOM logs which request handlers are checked
in debug mode. The above example could use something like
to do so. Just never prefix one of your
handlers with one underscores, this namespace is reserved for MidCOM usage.
Callback method signatures
The two callbacks match the regular processing sequence of MidCOM.
The main callback _handle_xxx is mandatory, _show_xxx is optional since the handle method can return a response directly.
As you can see, the system provides you with an easy way to keep track of the data of your request, without having dozens of members for trivial flags. This data array is automatically registered in the custom component context under the name 'request_data', making it easily available within style elements as $data
The data array can also be accessed by using the $_request_data member of this class, which is the original data storage location for the request data.
Note that the request data, for ease of use, already contains the L10n Databases of the Component and MidCOM itself located in this class. They are stored as 'l10n' and 'l10n_midcom'. Also available as 'config' is the current component configuration and 'topic' will hold the current content topic.
Automatic handler class instantiation
If you specify a class name instead of a class instance as an exec handler, MidCOM will automatically create an instance of that class type and initialize it. These so-called handler classes must be a subclass of midcom_baseclasses_components_handler.
The subclasses you create should look about this:
class my_handler extends midcom_baseclasses_components_handler
public function _on_initialize()
// Add class initialization code here, all members have been prepared
The two methods for each handler have the same signature as if they were in the same class.
Plugin Interface
This class includes a plugin system which can be used to flexibly enhance the functionality of the request classes by external sources. Your component does not have to worry about this, you just have to provide a way to register plugins to site authors.
Plugins always come in "packages", which are assigned to a namespace. The namespace is used to separate various plugins from each other, it is prepended before any URL. Within a plugin you can register one or more handler classes. Each of this classes can of course define more than one request handler.
A plugin class must be a descendant of midcom_baseclasses_components_handler or at least support its full interface.
As outlined above, plugins are managed in a two-level hierarchy. First, there is the plugin identifier, second the class identifier. When registering a plugin, these two are specified. The request handlers obtained by the above callback are automatically expanded to match the plugin namespace.
Example: Plugin registration
'__ais', [
'folder' => [
'class' => 'midcom_admin_folder_management',
'config' => null,
The first argument of this call identifies the plugin namespace, the second the list of classes associated with this plugin. Each class gets its own identifier. The namespace and class identifier is used to construct the final plugin URL: {$anchor_prefix}/{$namespace}/{$class_identifier}/... This gives fully unique URL namespaces to all registered plugins.
Plugin handlers always last in queue, so they won't override component handlers. Their name is prefixed with __{$namespace}-{$class_identifier} to ensure uniqueness.
Each class must have these options:
Once a plugin has been successfully initialized, its configuration is put into the request data:
$_topic : \midcom_db_topic
The topic for which we are handling a request.
$_config : \midcom_helper_configuration
The current configuration.
$_node_toolbar : \midcom_helper_toolbar
The node toolbar for the current request context. Not available during the can_handle phase.
$_view_toolbar : \midcom_helper_toolbar
The view toolbar for the current request context. Not available during the can_handle phase.
$_request_switch : array
Request execution switch configuration.
The main request switch data. You need to set this during construction, it will be post-processed afterwards during initialize to provide a unified set of data. Therefore you must not modify this switch after construction.
$_plugin_namespace_config : array
This variable keeps track of the registered plugin namespaces. It maps namespace identifiers against plugin config lists. This is used during can_handle startup to determine whether the request has to be relayed to a plugin.
You have to use the register_plugin_namespace() member function during the _on_initialize event to register plugin namespaces.
can_handle(\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request) : boolean
CAN_HANDLE Phase interface, checks against all registered handlers if a valid one can be found. You should not need to override this, instead, use the HANDLE Phase for further checks.
\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request | $request |
Indicating whether the request can be handled by the class, or not.
handle() : \midcom_response|null
Handle the request using the handler determined by the can_handle check.
Before doing anything, it will call the _on_handle event handler to allow for generic request preparation.
The response object (or null in the case of old-style handlers)
Initialize the request switch and the content topic.
Use this function instead of the constructor for all initialization work. You can safely populate the request switch from here.
You should not do anything else then general startup work, as this callback executes before the can_handle phase. You don't know at this point whether you are even able to handle the request. Thus, anything that is specific to your request (like HTML HEAD tag adds) must not be done here. Use _on_handle instead.
_on_handle(mixed $handler, array $args)
The handle callback populates the toolbars.
Note, that while you have the complete information around the request (handler id, args and request data) available, it is strongly discouraged to handle everything here. Instead, stay with the specific request handler methods as far as sensible.
mixed | $handler | The ID (array key) of the handler that is responsible to handle the request. |
array | $args | The argument list. |
register_plugin_namespace(string $namespace, array $config)
Create a new plugin namespace and map the configuration to it.
It allows flexible, user-configurable extension of components.
Only very basic testing is done to keep runtime up, currently the system only checks to prevent duplicate namespace registrations. In such a case, midcom_error will be thrown. Any further validation won't be done before can_handle determines that a plugin is actually in use.
string | $namespace | The plugin namespace, checked against $args[0] during URL parsing. |
array | $config | The configuration of the plugin namespace as outlined in the class introduction |
get_workflow(string $identifier, array $options = array()) : \midcom\workflow\dialog
string | $identifier | |
array | $options |
index(\midcom\datamanager\datamanager $dm, \midcom_services_indexer $indexer, \midcom_db_topic|\midcom_core_dbaproxy $topic)
Indexes an article.
\midcom\datamanager\datamanager | $dm | The Datamanager encapsulating the event. |
\midcom_services_indexer | $indexer | The indexer instance to use. |
\midcom_db_topic|\midcom_core_dbaproxy | $topic | The topic which we are bound to. If this is not an object, the code tries to load a new topic instance from the database identified by this parameter. |
get_topic_qb(\midcom_helper_configuration $config, integer $id, $order = true) : \midcom_core_querybuilder
\midcom_helper_configuration | $config | |
integer | $id | The topic ID |
$order |
The querybuilder instance
_load_plugin(string $namespace, string $name)
Load the specified namespace/plugin combo.
Any problem to load a plugin will be logged accordingly and false will be returned. Critical errors will trigger midcom_error.
string | $namespace | The plugin namespace to use. |
string | $name | The plugin to load from the namespace. |