$_root : integer
The ID of the MidCOM Root Content Topic
This class is the basic building stone of the Navigation Access Point System of MidCOM.
It is responsible for collecting the available information and for building the navigational tree out of it. This class is only the internal interface to the NAP System and is used by midcom_helper_nav as a node cache. The framework should ensure that only one class of this type is active at one time.
It will give you a very abstract view of the content tree, modified by the NAP classes of the components. You can retrieve a node/leaf tree of the content, and for each element you can retrieve a URL name and a long name for navigation display.
Leaves and Nodes are both indexed by integer constants which are assigned by the framework. The framework defines two starting points in this tree: The root node and the "current" node. The current node defined through the topic of the component that declared to be able to handle the request.
The class will load the necessary information on demand to minimize database traffic.
The interface functions should enable you to build any navigation tree you desire. The public nav class will give you some of those high-level functions.
Node data interchange format
Node NAP data consists of a simple key => value array with the following keys required by the component:
Other keys delivered to NAP users include:
Leaf data interchange format
Basically for each leaf the usual meta information is returned:
$_leaves : array<mixed,\midcom_helper_nav_leaf>
Leaf cache. It is an array which contains elements indexed by their leaf ID. The data is again stored in an associative array:
$_nodes : array<mixed,\midcom_helper_nav_node>
Node cache. It is an array which contains elements indexed by their node ID. The data is again stored in an associative array:
$_loaded_leaves : array<mixed,\midcom_helper_nav_leaf>
List of all topics for which the leaves have been loaded.
If the id of the node is in this array, the leaves are available, otherwise, the leaves have to be loaded.
$_loader : \midcom_helper__componentloader
The systemwide component loader instance
$_nap_cache : \midcom_services_cache_module_nap
The NAP cache store
list_nodes(mixed $parent_node, boolean $show_noentry) : Array
Lists all Sub-nodes of $parent_node. If there are no subnodes, or if there was an error (for instance an unknown parent node ID) you will get an empty array
mixed | $parent_node | The ID of the node of which the subnodes are searched. |
boolean | $show_noentry | Show all objects on-site which have the noentry flag set. |
An array of node IDs or false on failure.
list_leaves(mixed $parent_node, boolean $show_noentry) : Array
Lists all leaves of $parent_node. If there are no leaves, or if there was an error (for instance an unknown parent node ID) you will get an empty array,
mixed | $parent_node | The ID of the node of which the leaves are searched. |
boolean | $show_noentry | Show all objects on-site which have the noentry flag set. |
A list of leaves found, or false on failure.
get_loaded_object_by_guid(string $guid) : Array
This is a helper function used by midcom_helper_nav::resolve_guid(). It checks if the object denoted by the passed GUID is already loaded into memory and returns it, if available. This should speed up GUID lookup heavy code.
string | $guid | The GUID to look up in the NAP cache. |
A NAP structure if the GUID is known, null otherwise.
get_node(mixed $node_id) : Array
This will give you a key-value pair describing the node with the ID $node_id. The defined keys are described above in Node data interchange format. You will get false if the node ID is invalid.
mixed | $node_id | The node ID to be retrieved. |
The node data as outlined in the class introduction, false on failure
get_leaf(string $leaf_id) : Array
This will give you a key-value pair describing the leaf with the ID $node_id. The defined keys are described above in leaf data interchange format. You will get false if the leaf ID is invalid.
string | $leaf_id | The leaf-id to be retrieved. |
The leaf-data as outlined in the class introduction, false on failure
get_current_leaf() : string
Retrieve the ID of the currently displayed leaf. This is a leaf that is displayed by the handling topic. If no leaf is active, this function returns false. (Remember to make a type sensitive check, e.g.
nav::get_current_leaf() !== false to distinguish "0" and "false".)
The ID of the leaf in question or false on failure.
get_root_node() : integer
Retrieve the ID of the root node. Note that this ID is dependent from the ID of the MidCOM Root topic and therefore will change as easily as the root topic ID might. The MIDCOM_NAV_URL entry of the root node's data will always be empty.
The ID of the root node.
get_node_uplink(mixed $node_id) : mixed
Returns the ID of the node to which $node_id is associated to, false on failure. The root node's uplink is -1.
mixed | $node_id | The node ID to search an uplink for. |
The ID of the node for which we have a match, -1 for the root node, or false on failure.
init_topics(\midcom_db_topic $root, integer $context)
Loads all nodes between root and current node.
If the current node is behind an invisible or undescendable node, the last known good node will be used instead for the current node.
\midcom_db_topic | $root | |
integer | $context |
_loadNode(mixed $node_id, integer $parent_id = null) : integer
This function is the controlling instance of the loading mechanism. It is able to load the navigation data of any topic within MidCOM's topic tree into memory. Any uplink nodes that are not loaded into memory will be loaded until any other known topic is encountered. After the necessary data has been loaded with calls to _loadNodeData.
If all load calls were successful, MIDCOM_ERROK is returned. Any error will be indicated with a corresponding return value.
mixed | $node_id | The node ID of the node to be loaded |
integer | $parent_id | The node's parent ID, if known |
MIDCOM_ERROK on success, MIDCOM_ERRFORBIDDEN when inaccessible
_loadNodeData(mixed $topic) : integer
Load the navigational information associated with the topic $param, which can be passed as an ID or as a MidgardTopic object.
This method does query the topic for all information and completes it to build up a full NAP data structure
It determines the URL_NAME of the topic automatically using the name of the topic in question.
The currently active leaf is only queried if and only if the currently processed topic is equal to the current context's content topic. This should prevent dynamically loaded components from disrupting active leaf information, as this can happen if dynamic_load is called before showing the navigation.
mixed | $topic | Topic object or ID to be processed |
MIDCOM_ERROK on success, MIDCOM_ERRFORBIDDEN when inaccessible
_load_leaves(\midcom_helper_nav_node $node)
Loads the leaves for a given node from the cache or database.
It will relay the code to _get_leaves() and check the object visibility upon return.
\midcom_helper_nav_node | $node | The NAP node data structure to load the nodes for. |
_get_leaves(\midcom_helper_nav_node $node) : Array
Return the list of leaves for a given node. This helper will construct complete leaf data structures for each leaf found. It will first check the cache for the leaf structures, and query the database only if the corresponding objects have not been found there.
No visibility checks are made at this point.
\midcom_helper_nav_node | $node | The node data structure for which to retrieve the leaves. |
All leaves found for that node, in complete post processed leave data structures.
_check_leaf_id(string $leaf_id) : boolean
Verifies the existence of a given leaf. Call this before getting a leaf from the $_leaves cache. It will load all necessary nodes/leaves as necessary.
string | $leaf_id | A valid NAP leaf id ($nodeid-$leafid pattern). |
true if the leaf exists, false otherwise.