$busy_members : mixed
busy eventmembers
Eventmember conflict manager
$_event : \org_openpsa_calendar_event_dba
The event we're working on
$l10n : \midcom_services_i18n_l10n
__construct(\org_openpsa_calendar_event_dba $event, \midcom_services_i18n_l10n $l10n = null)
\org_openpsa_calendar_event_dba | $event | |
\midcom_services_i18n_l10n | $l10n |
get_message(\midcom_services_i18n_formatter $formatter)
\midcom_services_i18n_formatter | $formatter |
run( $rob_tentative = false)
Check for potential busy conflicts to allow more graceful handling of those conditions
Also allows normal events to "rob" resources from tentative ones. NOTE: return false for no (or resolved automatically) conflicts and true for unresolvable conflicts
$rob_tentative |